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對參與者有什麽水準要求嗎?我沒有經驗也可以參加嗎? 還是更針對藝術家之間的探討和交流? Are there any requirements for participants? Are there no different levels of class? Is it Beginner Friendly, or is it about exchange between professional artists?"The only requirement is to be open-minded, the difficulty of courses will adjust based on the case.The workshop is not a lesson, instead of one-way learning, it is an exploration of topic, like a research that is put forward with the collaboration of Artists and participants 對於參加者的要求只有一個,就是要保持開放的心。課程的難度會針對實際情況而作出調整。我們的工作坊不是一般的課程,藝術家與學員共同產生意義和創作,並不是單向的交流。
我是第一季的舊學員,可以如何登入網站? I am a patron of season 1, how can I log in ART Factory website?"Method 1: Log in with Email Press the “Log in” button at the top right corner Select “Log in with Email” and input your registered email address, click “Forgot password?” An email to reset password will be sent to your email address. After you have renewed your password, another confirmation email will be sent. [Please check the “Promotions”/ “Social”/ “Spam” mailbox if you cannot see it in your primary inbox.] You are all set! Reserve a workshop and enjoy the wandering in the Art Factory! Method 2: Log in with Google If you are using Gmail as your registered email address, you can log in with Google Select the correct registered Gmail account. You are ready to go! Book a workshop before they are full! 方法一:使用電子郵件登入 按右上角的登入鍵 輸入你報名用的個人電郵地址並按「忘記密碼」 你將會收到一封由ART Factory 發出,要求你重設密碼的電郵。打開電郵後,請按下「重設密碼」鍵,系統會看自動跳至重設密碼的頁面 重設密碼後,你會再次收到一封電郵以確認你的電郵地址(如果在主要郵件中找不到此電郵,請查看促銷內容/垃圾郵件中的電郵) 按下「確認電郵地址」後便能成功登入ART Factory 網站,請盡情探索我們的網頁吧! 方法二:使用Google登入 如果你是Gmail的使用者,你可以直接按「用電子郵件登入」去登入本網頁 選擇你購買代幣時使用的Gmail登入 你已成功登入ART Factory 網站,請盡情探索我們的網頁吧!
我的照片會出現在ART Factory網頁嗎? Will my photos be displayed on the ART Factory website?參加者將有可能被拍攝及錄影,其用途包括存檔、上載到香港藝術中心之網頁、社交平台、出版刊物及宣傳單張等。所有相片及片段只會用作推廣藝術及教育用途。 精華和照片都會用作活動宣傳和大家分享藝術的快樂哦! Participants may be captured in photos or video-recordings during the programmes. The materials may be saved and uploaded to the Hong Kong Art Centre’s websites, social media platforms, publications and/or publicity materials. All photos and videos will be used for art promotion and educational purposes only. Photos are being used for promotion to spread the joy of arts!
如何報名工作坊? How do I register for a course?你可以先在「購買套票」的頁面(只供英文)以個人電郵登記及選購套票組合,並用於所選工作坊(各工作坊所需套票可能有異)。買得愈多,可享有更多優惠! Please register an account for purchasing tokens on “Packages” and use them on the chosen workshops. There could be differences between workshops. Get more discounts with a larger token pack!
如何確定我是否報名成功? How can I ensure my booking?每次從網站完成預約後,系統會自動發出確認郵件,收到郵件即預約成功。如沒有,請先重試,再和我們聯絡。 Once you complete the booking process, you will receive a confirmation email to tell you that your booking is successful. If not, please try again or just contact us.
我的個人資料會外洩嗎? Is there any Personal Information Collection Statement?一切個人資料收集條款均跟從香港藝術中心私隱政策,若你對填報的個人資料有任何疑問,請致電 (852) 2582 0200或電郵至與我們聯絡。詳情請查閱頁底Private Policy。 Art Factory would follow privacy policies of HKAC. Please check out the Private Policy at the bottom of the webpage or contact us (tel: +852 2582 0200 / email: for any enquiries.
我可以取消或更改我的預約嗎? Can I cancel or change my booking?可以,如需更改或取消預約,請於預約時間前 24小時通知我們,否則將如期扣除費用及堂數。 Of course you can! To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. Any cancellation/reschedule made less than 24 hours in advance will result in a charge equal to 100% of the reserved price.
惡劣天氣及其他特殊情況安排 ? Is there any arrangement for bad weather or other special circumstances?以下安排及其他特殊情況安排均會於本網頁公佈和以電郵通知,敬請留意。 天文台於上午11時仍懸掛8號或以上風球則下午1時開始至晚上6時前之課程停課。 天文台於下午4時仍懸掛8號或以上風球則晚上6時開始至晚上10時30分之課程停課。 天文台於上課時間內懸掛黑色暴雨訊號,則所有已開課的課程仍須繼續上課。天文台於開課時間前2小時仍懸掛黑色暴雨訊號, 則該節之課程停課。 註:上述之停課均不另行補課。如有疑問歡迎查詢! If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above / Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted, you should pay attention to the following arrangements, and pay close attention to the on-site announcements and the updates via email. When Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted at 11am, the workshops starting from 1pm to 6pm would be suspended; and, when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted at 4pm, the workshops starting from 6pm to 10.30pm would be suspended. Unless the Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted 2 hours before the kick-off time, the started workshop would keep on going. P.S. There are no make-up classes for the suspension. Please contact us for any enquiry!
如何得到更多推廣資訊? How can I get the most updated information?只要成為會員,就可以收到我們的電郵推廣!亦歡迎你加入社交平台,從活動精華了解更多。 We are pleased to update you via email promotion! There are also highlights of our workshops on Instagram. Just click follow to know more!
我有哪些付款方式? What payment methods do I have?目前只接受信用卡付款。 Only credit cards are accepted at this stage.
付款不成功,我該如何處理? What should I do if a “payment failed” message pops out?如於付款過程中退出頁面,有機會導致付款不成功,在未收到扣帳通知前,請選擇重新再下訂單。 Quitting before payment succeeds would turn to failure in buying tokens. Please try again after ensuring any charges are not made to avoid double purchasing.
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